Legal regulation of decentralization processes in Ukraine: problems and prospects

dc.contributor.authorDmitruk, Irina
dc.descriptionDmitruk, I. Legal regulation of decentralization processes in Ukraine: problems and prospects = Правове регулювання процесів децентралізації в Україні: проблеми та перспективи / I. Dmitruk // Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the European Research Area : monograph / V. Shedyakov, Y. Vizitiv, I. Dmitruk (eds.). – 3rd ed. – Riga : Baltija Publishing, 2020. – Chap. ''Law sciences''. – P. 189–206.uk_UA
dc.description.abstract1The clear and effective process of decentralization asserts the detailed legal adjusting structurally. It allows to extend plenary powers of local community at maintenance of the state and its institutes. It allows to activate a population to settle own problems, narrow the sphere of influence of the state on society. It allows to apply the mechanisms of self-regulation, mine-out people. It brings those institutes over of democracy, that is envisaged by Constitution of Ukraine, in an action. Decentralization inculcates modern legal tools. Decentralization it the new experience for a country. Actuality of the affected theme consists in this process lasts yet. It’s offer new mechanisms that would perfect maybe to correct, and facilitated passing of communities to the modern methods of co-operating with the state power. At the same time, it is debatable, as passes not very evenly. It needs the detailed research and analysis blanks that appear, without regard to community of efforts of economic, legislative and political factors. It includes a complex concept for itself such elements and categories: All-sufficientness of territorial society, possibility to get from public authorities those imperious plenary powers that will allow to the effectively to carry out an autonomous process. An aim of the offered changes is in walking away from the centralized state case, providing of possibility of local self-government frame and construction of the effective system of territorial organization of power in Ukraine, realization of positions of the European charter of local self-government, principles of financial all-sufficientness of administrative unit. Thus, reform of decentralization is important from position of development of regions, making healthy of power needs however, foremost. In addition, the author offers at consideration of concept the "budgetary decentralization" more detailed attention to spare the regional politics that straight depends on the territorial and municipal reforms. It is suggested to accept the Municipal code, in that to concentrate the large layer of normatively-legal acts, that exist already, and that yet will be accepted and will settle the sphere of legal relations that is investigated.uk_UA
dc.titleLegal regulation of decentralization processes in Ukraine: problems and prospectsuk_UA
dc.title1Правове регулювання процесів децентралізації в Україні: проблеми та перспективиuk_UA
dc.typeBook chapteruk_UA
